Please contact the Parish Office for further information: (928) 282-4457
Centering Prayer – Mondays at 3pm
Gathers in-person on the 1st & 3rd Mondays; Zoom on the 2nd & 4th Mondays
An ecumenical group gathers on Monday afternoons for quiet centering prayer and reflection on works by contemplative writers. The group is led by lay leaders from St. Andrew’s and other churches in Sedona.
Gospel Co-Op – Thursdays at 10:00am
Gathers on Zoom.
The Gospel Co-op worship service was developed following a weekend program with Phyllis Tickle on Emergence Christianity. Co-op refers to the cooperative nature of leadership involved in our worship time. We begin with a reflection on the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday in a lectio divina pattern, offer individual prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, and close with prayers for the world.