Thank you for your generous donation in support of St. Andrew’s ministries. Please indicate in the “Note to Recipient” section whether your donation should be used for St. Andrew’s general operating expenses, or for a particular ministry (children/youth, shindig, music, chile farm, Sedona Community Supper, Sedona Literacy , etc).
Debit/credit card donations generally incur a 2-3% bank transaction fee;
those under $25 incur a 4-7% fee per transaction.
We invite you to consider increasing your donation to cover bank fees.
Thank you!
Altar Flowers & Greens
Altar flowers and greens are offered to the glory of God in thanksgiving for a birthday or anniversary, or in memoriam for loved ones. Requests and donations may be made through the parish office. Dedications are listed in our Sunday bulletin.
Shindig Fundraisers
Shindigs are a way to put the “fun” back into fundraising. Parish members are encouraged to support Shindigs by sponsoring events and/or attending events. All revenue generated at Shindigs goes toward the church’s operating fund which supports the ministries of the church. Types of Shindigs we have held include: a four-course dinner with lovely background music; an afternoon of classical music by a parishioner and her granddaughters; “Danson under the Stars” with a live auction, music and hors d’oeuvres in a parishioner’s garden; a family-style spaghetti dinner in the Parish Hall; a board-game afternoon; and a dinner with wine tasting at a vineyard featuring wines from the Verde Valley. Contact us.
“All things come from you, O God. And of your own do we give you.” – 1 Chronicles 29:14
Parishioners are encouraged to set their hearts on the path toward gratitude and generosity as gifts back to God. Our gifts of time, talent, and treasure help us flourish as a faith community through worship & music, faith formation & discipleship, fellowship & outreach, communication & administration, and buildings & grounds. The church invites people to commit their time and talent to various projects such as teaching Sunday school, hosting coffee hour, reading lessons, ushering, collecting non-perishable food for people and pets, donating items for the back-to-school drive, cooking and serving at the Monday night Sedona Community Suppers, and maintaining our buildings and grounds.
During our annual Stewardship Campaign, we specifically ask for commitments to the stewardship of financial resources. We ask that every member of the church make a financial commitment as a part of their participation in our community. Most of the church’s contributions come from your annual pledges. Additional donations are placed in the offering plates during worship services. The church also receives donations from non-profit groups who use our parish hall.
Most of us find pledging a deeply personal expression of our participation in God’s work, which the church honors with deep respect, care, and gratitude.
Legacy Society/Endowment
St. Andrew’s Legacy Society is a family of faithful Christians who have left a legacy of stewardship to enhance the future ministry of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Through planned giving to the Endowment Fund, the Legacy Society provides critical support to sustain the faith and ministry of our church for future generations. Funds are invested and managed by the Church’s Endowment Board under the authority of the Vestry. Revenue from the funds are used for ministries as future opportunities and needs arise. Your gift of support to the ongoing ministry of St. Andrew’s will be a legacy of your love and gratitude for our faith community.
All are welcome to become members of the Legacy Society by declaring a bequest to St. Andrew’s and by choosing a giving plan, such as one described below. Be sure to contact your personal financial advisor for details about potential tax advantages of planned giving.
- A Will or Trust provides for family first, then provides a gift to the Church.
- A Life Income Gift provides the donor with an income for life and afterward provides a major gift to the Church.
- A Gift of Life Insurance names the Church as a beneficiary of a new or existing policy.
- A Gift of Property allows assets such as real estate, securities or other articles of value to be transferred to the Church, which may provide tax advantages to the donor.
- A Gift of Retirement Assets makes the Church the named beneficiary of an IRA.
If you would like additional information about joining St. Andrew’s Legacy Society, please contact the parish office.