Worship is led by our clergy and lay leaders, including our verger, music director and choir. The word “liturgy” comes from the ancient Greek term leitourgia, meaning “the work of the people.” As members of the Body of Christ, all members of the congregation are encouraged to participate, as they are able. We are called to worship by our beautiful carillon.
Opportunities to serve and be served include the following liturgical ministries:
- Altar Guild – Prepare for celebrations of the Eucharist and other sacraments of the church
- Acolytes – Crucifer, Torch Bearer, Altar Server
- Choir – Lead congregational singing and offer special anthems
- Eucharistic Ministers – Serve as Chalice Bearers
- Intercessor – Offer Prayers of the People
- Lectors – Read lessons from the Old and New Testament
- Ushers – Greet worshipers and present Offerings
Sunday Service
On Sunday Mornings at 10am, adults sing in the choir, serve as ushers, crucifers, torch bearers, lectors, chalice bearers along with our verger and priest.
Saturday Evening Taizé
Temporarily suspended, BUT…It’s Coming Back! Watch for an update.
On the last Saturday evening of the month at 6pm, clergy and lay leaders offer a Taizé inspired service that includes meditative chants, Scripture readings, prayer, silent meditation, lighting prayer candles, and celebrating the Eucharist. Lay leaders help set up and take down candles, icons & signage, and serve as lectors. The service draws worshippers from St. Andrew’s and other faith traditions in the wider community.
Weekday Services
Laity and clergy also lead weekday services, including Centering Prayer on Mondays at 3:00pm; Contemplative Worship on Wednesdays at 10:30am; and Gospel Co-op Worship on Thursdays at 10:00am.